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All prices in US Dollars

(Prices based on books of 50k words. Please contact us for pricing for >50k words)

Sample Edit

Interested in a sample edit?

Only $50 for the first THREE chapters — up to 8000 words. 

(Once contracted, $50 will be deducted from the total invoice, essentially making the sample edit free.)


Proof Reading



Proofreading includes checking your spelling, grammar, punctuation, and subject-verb agreement.


(Prices based on books of 50k words. Please contact us for pricing for >50k words)



Line and Copy Editing


Line and copy editing includes checking spelling, grammar, punctuation, consistency and appropriateness of verb tenses, transitional phrasing, and continuity.


Microsoft Word’s Track Changes and Comment functions are used so that you can see everything that has been done, and stay in control of your manuscript at all times.


Allow a one week minimum for each read for a 50k word document.

Content Editing


Content editing includes line editing PLUS sentence re-writes when necessary. This editing includes reviewing the plot/character elements for consistency in your novel.



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